Clergy Portal

office of Formation and Transition Ministry

Clergy in the Episcopal Church are called to ordination by God, and the call is confirmed by the church in a discernment process with the prospective candidate for ordination. If you believe you may be called to the priesthood, or if people have suggested that you consider ordination, the Episcopal Church offers a process to help you to explore that call. The entire process of prayer, education and consultation will take several years.



Clergy Conference 2025

May 12 - 14, 2025 | Mission Inn, Riverside

The 2025 Spring Clergy Conference will be May 12-14, 2025 at the Mission Inn Hotel in Riverside. Special guest speaker and other programming will be announced soon. Click here to register.

As a reminder, attendance at this event is expected of all active clergy in the diocese.

The contracted rate for a hotel room has increased to $189/night, however the registration fee will remain the same. Click here to reserve your hotel room.

2025 Conferencia del Clero

12 - 14 del mayo, 2025 | Mission Inn, Riverside

La Conferencia de Primavera del Clero del 2025 se llevará a cabo del 12-14 de mayo, 2025 en el Hotel Mission Inn en Riverside. Próximamente se anunciará el orador invitado especial y otra programación. Haga clic aquí para registrarse.

Como recordatorio, se espera la asistencia a este evento de todos los clérigos activos en la diócesis.

La tarifa contratada para habitaciones de hotel ha aumentado y será de $189/noche, sin embargo la cuota de inscripción seguirá siendo la misma. Haga clic aquí para reservar su habitación de hotel.



Formation Ministry

Helping people realize their spiritual path. What does it mean to be formed in God? Formation is a lifelong process growing in our relationship with God, ourselves, others and all creation. Our experienced staff can help you solidify the sometimes turbulent waters of spiritual growth.

Transition Ministry

Providing guidance in times of transition is vital to the health and success of every community. We give insight and support to all who find themselves in transition; including individuals, churches and institutions.

Fresh Start

Equipping clergy and lay leadership for critical periods in church life.  Based on three principles: the theory of transition: the importance of relationship building; and the need for self-care.



Clergy Conference

The annual conference for the clergy of the diocese, Clergy Conference features world class speakers, engaging and timely topics and a community of peers. Clergy Conference is held in the spring of each year.  

Clergy Spouses

Recognizing that husbands and wives of clergy hold a special role in our church, the Clergy Spouses group provides a loving network of community and support for those closest to our clergy.

The Monastic

Thinking of becoming a Nun or a Monk?  Engage the monastic in the Diocese of Los Angeles.  With multiple monastic communities resident in the diocese, we are happy to help connect you.


Vocational Discernment

Our jobs are important to us. God is important to us. How do they interact?  We are happy to help you discover your vocational alignment with the divine. 



The Angelus

The Angelus is a monthly newsletter about us—the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles-- featuring a message from the Bishop’s Office, new clergy connections, events, resources and job opportunities.