Clergy Conference at the Mission inn


Connect - Reflect - Restore

May 6-8, 2019

Conference Registration Fee // Individual - $250.00 // Two Clergy Spouses - $500.00

(Deadline to register for both conference and hotel: April 6, 2019)

We will return to the Mission Inn in Riverside for a time to connect with colleagues old and new; reflect together on the mission and ministry we share, and restore ourselves in body, mind and spirit.

Please email any questions to

Childcare will not be offered this year.



Room reservations are to be made by each individual guest attending your clergy conference by Saturday, April 6, 2019.*


*You also have the option of making your reservation by phone. To do so please call the Hotel’s Room Reservations Department at 800-843-7755 or 951-784-0300, extension 850.  Attendees must reference the Episcopal Diocese of Los Angeles Clergy Conference when making their reservation(s).